The right representation makes a difference
How much your divorce or family law issue will cost may be at the forefront of your mind, but as experienced family law attorneys, we know that these cases can be unpredictable. At Terry & deGraauw, P.C., our attorneys will help you understand the factors that influence the costs for your case and how you can avoid unnecessary expenses.
How much money you spend will depend on your conduct, as well as that of the other party involved. If you and your ex-spouse fight over your assets in a divorce, you are likely to have a longer and more expensive divorce. Most couples wind up somewhere in the middle, rarely agreeing on every issue but willing to compromise. The type of divorce you have will largely influence the cost:
Contested divorces and litigated divorces tend to be the most costly type of divorce. When your divorce case goes to court, it is usually a longer process that requires many hours of attorney preparation. You will also be responsible for court fees.
If your divorce is uncontested, you will only need a divorce attorney to prepare your documents, such as your Marital Settlement Agreement and Divorce Decree, significantly saving on your divorce costs. However, you and your spouse must agree on all terms of the divorce.
Mediation is an excellent way to avoid a costly divorce. With mediation, you and your spouse will work together and rely on the experience of the mediator who will help you make important decisions about division of property and more.
Collaborative divorce can also save on the cost of litigation. Like mediation, you will rely on input from neutral experts to settle your divorce. The only difference is you and your spouse will each have Collaborative lawyers at your sides, looking out for your best interests and also working cooperatively with one another, instead of against one another
You will have a better understanding of our hourly rates after you meet with us during a consultation. Our attorneys will determine the necessary retainer at the time of your consultation, based on the complexities and specific issues in your case. Let our attorneys protect you, your children and your future with legal services that make a difference in your life.
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Any information communicated to Terry & deGraauw, P.C. before you enter into a representation agreement may not be treated as privileged or confidential and sending information will not create an attorney-client relationship. Receipt of information from you before you receive and sign a representation agreement will not prevent Terry & deGraauw, P.C. from representing someone else in a matter adverse to you.

Find out more about divorce, custody and property division law in Albuquerque, New Mexico by calling 505-206-5044 to schedule a consultation.
Find out more about divorce, custody and property division law in Albuquerque, New Mexico by calling 505-206-5044 to schedule a consultation.